Third Continuation of Character Entities

¹185sup1Superscript one
²178sup2Superscript two
³179sup3Superscript three
8839supeSuperset of or equal toNo IE
ß223szligLatin small letter sharp s
Τ932TauGreek capital letter tau
τ964tauGreek small letter tau
8756there4ThereforeNo IE
Θ920ThetaGreek capital letter theta
θ952thetaGreek small letter theta
ϑ977thetasymGreek small letter theta symbolNo IE
  8201thinspThin spaceNo IE
Þ222ThornLatin capital letter thorn
þ254thornLatin small letter thorn
˜732tildeSmall tilde
×215timesMultiplication sign
8482tradeTrademark sign
Ú218UacuteLatin capital letter U with acute accent
ú250uacuteLatin small letter u with acute accent
8593uarrUpward arrow
8657uArrUpward double arrowNo IE
Û219UcircLatin capital letter U with circumflex
û251ucircLatin small letter u with circumflex
Ù217UgraveLatin capital letter U with grave accent
ù249ugraveLatin small letter u with grave accent
¨168umlDiaeresis (umlaut)
ϒ978upsihGreek upsilon with hook symbolNo IE
Υ933UpsilonGreek capital letter upsilon
υ965upsilonGreek small letter upsilon
Ü220UumlLatin capital letter U with diaeresis (umlaut)
ü252uumlLatin small letter u with diaeresis (umlaut)
8472weierpScript capital P = power setNo IE
Ξ926XiGreek capital letter xi
ξ958xiGreek small letter xi
Ý221YacuteLatin capital letter Y with acute accent
ý253yacuteLatin small letter y with acute accent
¥165yenYen sign = yuan sign
Ÿ376YumlLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis (umlaut)
ÿ255yumlLatin small letter y with diaeresis (umlaut)
Ζ918ZetaGreek capital letter zeta
ζ950zetaGreek small letter zeta
 ‍8205zwjZero width joiner
 ‌8204zwnjZero width nonjoiner

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